Monday, July 25, 2011

The week in review

It's surprising how quickly a week passes.  Summer vacation is almost over.  I started back to work this week.  I will miss the leisurely pace of summer.  Last week Randy picked all the fruit off of our plum tree.  We did not get a very big harvest and the birds were taking more than their fair share.  I decided to cut the bird bites off and make a Plum Kuchen recipe that I found on myrecipes. com.  It was delicious. 
(I tried to post the link but was not successful :(  


 Cami and Grant came to visit one morning last week and enjoyed the fruits of Papa's labors.  They love snacking in the garden.

 The garden is starting to produce on a daily basis.  I love the taste of home grown fruits and veggies.  The flavors are like I remember eating as a child.  One morning last week a served hash browns (store bought potatoes), sauted swiss chard, canteloupe, sliced tomatoes, pesto and toasted homemade french bread for brunch.  I was a delicious feast! 
(We eat brunch most days since Randy started the night shift.)  

 Randy had to go to an Endodontist for a root canel on one of his molars.  I was surprised when he returned with a long stem Rose.  The dentist office gave roses to their Monday morning patients.
 I thought it a bit strange.

 We got an early morning call from Mark on Friday.  Rachel was in labor.  I went to their home and stayed with Grant and Cami until they awoke, then brought them to our house for the day.

 Grant enjoys eating Papa's pancakes when he visits.

 Water games in the backyard after breakfast.

Morgan and Kara.
 Kara Beth Maroney arrived at 8:50ish on Friday July 22, 2011. 

Papa and Kara.

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