Friday, July 8, 2011

The blog that never was :(

I am better at taking pictures than posting blogs.  This is Part One of random pictures that I never took time to post.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Mom, Bob and Bethany visited for the weekend. 

         Bethany enjoyed visiting with Grandma Winsor while preparing the food.

   Visiting around the fire pit and enjoying hot apple cider.

                                                          Christmas family time.
     Morgan loves the smell of fresh baked gingerbread and creating a house with her friend Kristen.
                                                     Grant and Grandma join the fun.
                                                         Tastes as good as it looks!

                       Alison, Bethany and Morgan take a few practice shots after family pictures.
                       Grandpa and Grant take a break from cooking and enjoy a little outside time.
                                           Bethany could not resist playing with her food. 

If its true that the "Family the plays together stays together" is true than we are on the right path.

I believe that President Monson says The Family the PRAYS together.  We do that too, I just don't have a picture. 


  1. Maybe we need to teach each other our habits. I never take pictures, but take the time to blog.

  2. Enjoyed the post.
