Monday, July 26, 2010

Stake YW Camp 2010

I was called to serve as an assistant cook at our YW Camp this year. I had a great time serving with these wonderful women. We were usually up around 4:30am and didn't get back to our cabin until around 10pm. We cooked for 130 people. We arrived at camp on Saturday afternoon and didn't leave until the next friday. In addition to lots of food prep and tons of dishes, we shared songs, stories, book reviews and LOTS OF LAUGHS!!!!!!! In addition to being a cook Randy and I were assigned to be assistant 4th level hike advisors. Morgan was a YL over 4th level. Tuesday morning after helping prepare breakfast (up at 4:30 helping crack 12 dozen plus eggs for a breakfast casserole) I was temporarily released from the kitchen to go on the 4th level overnight hike. The horses met up with us about half way through our 4.4 mile hike (stroll). Randy got to help bring the horses out to us and assist YW as they took turns riding during the remainder of the hike.

Morgan loved riding and was thrilled when she was asked to ride with the leaders who rode the horses from our camp site back to the stables!!!

At our camp were various activities for the YW to do. In addition to riding horse. Randy assisted girls with shooting bb guns and archery. I was responsible for assisting girls who wanted to do the Zipline. Randy and Brother "H" did not have a ladder when they set the line up, so it was only 9 feet off the ground. This is me trying it out.

It got a little low near the end and I had to pick up my feet in order to not touch the ground.

We had a great time. Randy supervised the dutch oven cooking while the horses were being returned to the stables. For dinner we cooked three large dutch ovens of enchiladas and two dutch ovens of cobbler. Randy also grilled squash and onions that Bro & Sis "H" brought up from their garden. While the enchiladas and cobbler were cooking the girls made ice cream in baggies. I couldn't believe that the 30 girls and leaders ate all that food! It stormed during the night, but most of us stayed dry. Wednesday after we took down camp we headed to Luna lake for canoeing and paddle boats. Then back to camp and MORE COOKING AND DISHES for me!!!!! I had a great time but as OH SO GLAD to be back home on Friday night.


  1. Wow, now you do ziplines too. You are putting the rest of us to shame.

  2. You're just full of surprises!!!!
