My Primary lesson yesterday was about honesty. The lesson suggested that I share a personal experience about the consequences of honesty or dishonesty.
When I was a child ( and old enough to know better) I was playing with a pocketknife. I wanted to learn how to throw the knife so that the blade would stick into the ground. While practicing in the yard outside my house instead of the knife blade going into the ground it went into the side of my leg. I removed the knife from my leg and headed into the house to tell my parents. Fearing the consequences of playing with a knife I lied to my mother and told her that my leg just started bleeding and that I didn't know how it happened. I was an adult before I confessed to my mother what really happened that day.
The memory and guilt from telling the lie was my constant companion. When I was finally able to tell the truth the guilt was gone and the burden lifted. My memory of this incident disappeared. I had not thought of this incident in years. I am so grateful for the law of repentance and the peace it brings.
No, I didn't share this with my Primary class yesterday. It was our CSMP yesterday and our meeting ran long. We are having behavior struggles in Primary and I started my lesson with a story and discussion on Reverence which only left me 15 minutes for the honesty lesson.